This is the product description. Here you can tell more about the product: write about the sizes, materials, care and any other important points.
Complete set: This model is presented with a choice of sofas in two sizes, an armchair and a chair.
Mechanism: The transformation mechanism is not included.
Frame: The basis is solid beech frame, decorated with handmade carvings.
Filler: Highly elastic PU foam is used in the back cushions and armrests. The seat cushions are made of highly elastic polyurethane foam in combination with synthetic winterizer.
Upholstery: Furniture can be in any kind of upholstery material, both in fabric and leather, or in a combination of both.
It is not recommended to use thin and elastic fabrics and very thick leathers.
Decorative elements: Furniture is decorated with decorative braid, if desired, carnations can be finished. Supports are an integral part of the frame and are tinted according to the corporate color map. We recommend the trim. The model can be complemented with a wooden coffee table "Loire".
We recommend fabrics and decor of the Ekmi Exclusive collection.
Additional options: Seat cushions of sofas and armchairs have removable covers.